Living a Little, Learning a Lot.

I had the pleasure of attending a very small, very socially distanced surprise birthday party a few days ago. It was a group of artists in exile – actors, musicians, and event producers that have to stop working until people are able to gather safely again.

After we took turns getting food in the kitchen, we spaced ourselves out on a deck to catch up and celebrate the guest of honor – he’s that annoyingly super nice friend that you always wish the best, so there was a lot of great conversation and laughs.

As we ate and sipped beers, we discovered that each of us were still creating. Musicians are learning to code. Writers are painting. Photographers are directing one person video shorts.

For about 30, maybe 65 moments that day, my friends and I forgot about the times we live in, and just lived.

I know that Work and Resistance are opposite forces, but I often forget that the forces are also equal. As Resistance insidiously pulls us away, Work assures us that success will reward our passion and feed our soul.

Resistance suffocates, Work resuscitates. And in the darkness, it can be a beacon that guides you back to the present.